The most frequently hit and the most popular question of all people who want to visit our country. We will answer succinctly, as it is impossible to fully answer this question, because each individual case is unique. We instruct each girl separately and thoroughly. Everyone has their own nuances and circumstances. There is no unique formula. And beware of ads and statements like, "VIP pass", "VIP meeting", "invitation-hundred percent pass". It happens that a person flies without a return ticket, without a hotel reservation, without any invitation and they let him in after 10 seconds of questioning at the control desk, and it happens that a person flies with a hotel reservation, with a return ticket, with an invitation, with a clean phone and they turn him around because they did not like the way he answers questions. We have been observing this situation for 12 years, thousands of people have already come to work for us, we just know from our own experience what is good and what is not so good.
Conclusion: if you do as we tell you, there will be no problem. We have a really high pass percentage. It is about 80%. I mean, 8 out of 10 go through. Typically, the ones that didn't pass made some kind of mistake and it led to a reversal. So take it seriously and listen carefully to our instructions.